All posts by Kathy Garmes


Alfie’s, the provider of T-shirts, will need a longer lead time this year. In the past, the deadline for signing up for the PPPR and ordering a T-shirt was July 15. This year, we need an extra week’s notice for T-shirts. So please, if you would like a T-shirt, get your registration into Maggie by July 8th.

2018 DNR Forest Management Projects

The 2018 DNR plan is now available. The announcement letter was sent to ALPOA; the meetings are scheduled for July 12th in Traverse City and July 13th in Kalkaska. While there are areas to be managed in Almira Township, the areas are not near Ann Lake. The areas are detailed in the map attached to the announcement. Please review the map and pass this information on to any land owners you know who might be impacted. To help, we have included one page from the DNR Management Plan which outlines the areas in compartment 10 in Almira Township.

The 2017 Projects are moving ahead.  The guest speaker at the annual ALPOA meeting was Tim Webb from the DNR.  While he was not able to satisfy everyone’s concerns, he left with a better appreciation and understanding of how these projects impact our members. Tim Webb will be the person who oversees the work being done; any concerns should be addressed directly with him.

2016 Alert – No Loons Chicks!

July 4, 2016 – We looked all over last week and never saw either a loon chick or a second pair of loons. We’ll have to try again next year!

June 29, 2016 – I am confused. Yesterday, both loons were off Harris Point diving and the nest was empty. We checked; not even any shells on the nest. But someone might have spotted the loons with one chick. Either the loons hid the chick for a couple of days, or we have two pairs of loons on the lake. Stay tuned while we solve the mystery.

June 28, 2016 – The loons left the nest on Monday night. There was a lot of singing in the bay and when we checked, the nest was empty. Both loons have been seen diving this morning so we don’t believe there are any chicks. But the loons did use the platform so we can try again next year.

June 21, 2016 – The loons are now three quarters of the way through the incubation period. I am not sure if we will have any chicks by the annual meeting but hopefully by early next week. Stay tuned!

June 14, 2016 – The loons have survived another week on the nest. They should be half way through their incubation period!

June 6, 2016 – So far so good! Other than a couple of kayakers getting too close to the nest (they went inside the buoys), the loons survived the weekend and are still on the nest.  Incubation usually takes 26-28 days so we are a quarter of the way there!

June 3, 2016 – The loons have been on the artificial platform for the last 3 days so it appears that have started nesting. The platform is in a location more open to waves and spectators. PLEASE STAY AWAY FROM THE NEST AND KEEP YOUR SPEEDS AS LOW AS POSSIBLE WHEN PASSING THAT AREA. Stay posted to this blog. If all goes well, we could have a chick by the end of the month!

May 28, 2016 – The loons are exhibiting what appears to be nesting behavior on the artificial platform at the new location. The platform is not as isolated as the old loon nest location was in Mud Bay so it even more important for everyone to stay away from the area.

May 22, 2016 – The loons appear interested in the artificial nesting platform. We moved 2 of the buoys to the new location but left one at the old spot in Mud Bay just in case the loons decide to go back to their old location.

May 10, 2016 – With the eagle’s nest just off Mud Bay, it appears that the loons have decided not to build their nest in the location used in years past. We moved the artificial platform to a different area in hopes that they will nest there. The platform is now located in the southwest corner of the lake. The loons have expressed an interest so please keep away from the area.

2016 Renew Now for Riparian

Happy New Year!

Yes, it is that time of year, time to renew your membership to Ann Lake Property Owners Association (ALPOA). There has been a change this year which will impact some members. For those of you who have been long time members, you know that the Riparian membership actually lags a year from your actual membership year. So the 4 issues of the Riparian you received during 2015, were actually paid for by your 2014 year membership. We are trying to make adjustments so the issues of the Riparian will be more in line with your membership year.

Starting in 2016, we will be submitting our list of owners who request the Riparian to Michigan Lake & Streams in February. This will mean owners will receive their April, July, and Oct magazines the same year as their membership, plus the January issue from the following year.

In order to get the Riparian, we will need your membership renewals by the end of Feb (preferably in January). Renewals after March 1st which request the Riparian will be notified that they will not be eligible this year but can request the magazine through ALPOA the following year by renewing early.

We are currently looking for a volunteer as “Secretary” this year. If you have any questions, please contact either Scott Hedberg, President, or Kathy Garmes-Taylor, Treasurer, with any questions.

Click Here to access a membership application. Please print, fill out, and mail to the address on the application. Or scan completed form or print as a PDF and email to name on application. Thank you!

Annual Membership


The Summer of 2015

The summer is coming to an end but it was a fun summer! The ALPOA annual meeting was well attended with almost 40 households represented. The “unofficial” 4th of July parade consisted of 35 watercraft! And the PPPR followed by the pizza party was once again a great and fun event. The Labor Day Swan Song Soiree will be held on Sept 6th and we’re planning an October Lake Ann pub crawl (yes, there will only be one pub on the list), so watch this space for additional information.


Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a great holiday season and enjoying the winter. We haven’t had as much snow as last year but people have been enjoying the winter sports.

Don’t forget your annual membership is due. Please click on the membership form, fill it in, and mail it off with your check. We’ve already received renewals from 25% of our membership! Thanks for the continued support!

Fall 2014 Beaver Dams

On Sept. 17th, two beaver dams were found along the Platte River between Mud Bay and Mud Lake. The first dam was across the river where the pylons are located. The second dam was closer to the mouth of Mud Lake. Several volunteers from the ALPOA Board removed both of these dams and are now monitoring the river to ensure the beavers don’t make a second attempt. The picture shows the remainder of the first dam as you head into Mud Lake. We haven’t seen any angry beavers yet. So if you’re able to get out and enjoy any of these fall days, keep an eye out for beavers!